The whole world was held spellbound and the social media went agog as Binta Nyako vowed to try Kanu in secret.

The imposition of Justice Binta Nyako the Sharia queen who demanded that the counsel to Nnamdi Kanu and his co-defendants study Sharia Law further mocks the corrupt establishment of Nigeria and her judicial system; even as Binta Nyako's love for her religion and Sharia Law are so glaring, her pronouncement that only those with the knowledge of Sharia Law will understand why Nnamdi Kanu should be tried in secret and she unequivocally asserted that her stance on secret trial of Kanu remains unshakeable.

 The whole world was held spellbound and the social media went agog at that irresponsible and unjust ruling made by Justice Binta Nyako the Sharia queen against the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra Nnamdi Kanu, that he will be tried in secret under Sharia law principles should not be allow to prevail or stand because it is tantamount to bleaching or violating the inalienable human right of Nnamdi Kanu and his co-defendants to fair hearing and unbiased justice.

Justice Binta Nyako who previously ruled in January 2017 against secret trial of Nnamdi Kanu surprisingly made full U-turn, swallowed her own vomit by expressly reversing her ruling in favour of secret trial and making her stance known that the secret trial holds and Sharia Law principles will be applied.

Binta Nyako a Muslim/Sharia queen is hell-bent to convict Nnamdi Kanu at all cost by any means possible, hence the strange introduction of Sharia Law principles in a trial that has dragged on for two(2) solid years and the obvious fact is that the Sharia queen(Binta Nyako's) is playing a full written script to jail Kanu using this barbaric Sharia Law madness. However, the questions that should be going on in the minds of many who upholds true justice without being prejudiced should be:

 1. Is Nigeria a Sharia state or a secular state?

2. Is the Federal High Court of Nigeria now a Federal Sharia Court of Nigeria? 3. Why is Binta Nyako introducing Sharia Law principles in Kanu's case?

4. How can Nnamdi Kanu who is clearly a Christian be tried in secret and subjectedunder Sharia Law principles?

 5. Since the Nigerian government accused Kanu in the public why then is Binta Nyako hellbent in trying him secretly, albeit gross violation of his right to fair hearing?

6. Why must the witnesses be shielded or masked while testifying against the accused while Nnamdi Kanu was accused openly or is Nnamdi Kanu's life and safekeeping lesser than theirs?

 7. Why the sudden suspicious U-Turn made by Justice Binta, overturning her own ruling in her own very court?

 8. Is Nigeria finally heading to the loudly touted Islamisation agenda by the Northern cabals under Muhammadu Buhari's led administration?

It is obvious that Justice Binta Nyako has vowed to tarnish and bastardized and rotten image of the Nigerian judiciary and as such the judiciary is progressively heading to oblivion or invariably to abyss.

Justice Binta Nyako should be stopped and until those questions above are answered, the people of good conscience should not relent in fighting for justice for Nnamdi Kanu.

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