The recent happenings in the country is clear eye opener to how the Nigeria state has derailed and its heading to nowhere. A country where those in power over look the main reasons why they were voted into power. That has showed how self centered and selfish the people we look up to as leaders in the country.
When they(politicians) are elected or appointed into any political office.

Read more : Biafra: IPOB, Igbo youths, women fault DSS claim on killing of northerners

Their primary aim is to enrich themselves and influence infrastructural projects to their region. Clear example is the present administration where Fulani herdsmen whom are the kinsmen of President Buhari are above the law despite the killing and atrocities they have committed against farmers in the south and middle belt but the president can give a shoot on sight directive to military against the peaceful protest of the Indigenous people of Biafra. Other one is the 2016 budget where nearly all the major projects are channeled to the North even though the creeks of the Niger delta are in dear need of development to improve the standard of living.
The allocation of mining license is other crime this country is committing against its Niger Deltans. Where 80% of the oil blocs are allocated to northerners and the rest 20% is spread among the Easterners and westerners.


The duty of the Nigeria military is to protect Territorial integrity of Nigeria but instead the reverse is the case, Where politicians use them(Military) as thugs. Clear example is the Bayelse state governorship election, River state federal and state house of Assembly election. Where soldiers and other security agencies are more interested in the money given to them by the politicians. As a result whenever there is change in the military high command instead of them to focus on their duty all they do is to joggle or make their way to Niger Delta region to make money for themselves and then forgetting their primary duty. Most of the top ranked military officers in this country are billionaires because they are out to make money for themselves by interweaving themselves with pipeline vandalizers and crude oil thieves.

Read more : BREAKING NEWS!!!: Grand Plans By Buhari And His Mad Dogs

After looking at all these injustices and devilish acts going on in Nigeria the Niger Delta Avengers concludes that nobody is loyal to this entity called Nigeria instead, we are insisting that the entity called Nigeria should break up and lets the South, East, West and North be govern by their own.
Immediate past president Jonathan Goodluck is the only leader who believes in the unity of the Nation. He was deceived that the enity called Nigeria can be still be saved. He wasn’t after channeling infrastructural projects to his people the Niger Deltans despite they are in dead need of infrastructural and human capital development. A man who was there to serve, he wasn’t after his own people but for the betterment and togetherness of this country Nigeria.

If President Buhari can emulate the nationalist ideology of his predecessor, which we know is impossible because the shoe is too big for him. The nation won’t be having economic crisis, there won’t be pipeline vandalization, and our best brains won’t be seeking greener pasture oversees.
The present administration infringe on the fundamental human rights of its citizens with impunity with no respect for the constitution of the country. What kind of government treats her citizens like that?

The present administration has no respect for the constitution of the federation and run the country as if we in military regime. No freedom of speech, incarceration of innocent citizens and those against the government policies in the name of fighting corruption.


The Niger Delta has been neglected for more than 50 years which gave birth to the arm struggle in the region but after the proclamation of the the presidential amnesty to all agitators by President Umaru Musa Yara- duha little or none has been done about the Niger delta in terms of human capital development, infrastructural development, youth empowerment/educational infrastructure. The truth is, nothing has been done about the Niger delta. Niger Delta Development commission (NDDC) that has the statutory mandate to develop the region is cash cow for the northerner and their southern political counterparts. The Niger delta region to the Nigerian government is like forbidding region as stated by one of our own, the minister of transportation Rotimi Amaechi. that no parents will send their ward to school in the Niger Delta. A reason why the President Buhari led Administration cancelled the Nigeria Maritime University Okerenkoko. Forgetting university of Port Harcourt he graduated from is sited in the Niger Delta.he is from a poor background like most other Niger Deltans but was able to attend university because it was sitedin his community so why depriving other people from the region to benefit like he did? What a shame!
After a critical analysis and evaluation of the present happenings we come to a conclusion that, despite the president’s age and his cluelessness. He should call for a sovereign national conference. Where citizens from all regions will part take freely and decides whether the entity Nigeria should remain or break up WITHOUT PULLING A TRIGGER.


There was a country called Nigeria that was put together by Sir Lord Luggard but that country died since 1966 and since then what we have is a divided country that is under the control of watch of greedy and self-centered persons.
The Niger delta avengers high command, which comprises of agitators from all ethnic groups in the Niger Delta, has concluded that if the president fails to hear our voice and refuse to call for the sovereign national conference. We will ensure its happens or we will employ our second option by crippling the economy of the country. We won’t stop at that but dead ready to take the fight out of the creeks and take it to cities like Abuja, Lagos, Calabar, Port Harcourt just to name a few. And Avengers are not interested in taking innocent lives, but we will defend territory and ourselves .
To our brothers in the Nigeria Military we can still welcome you back home with open arms but don’t think we will spare you if you attack us.
To the United State and all permanent members of the United Nation security councils, you don’t have to wait for Syria and Libya to happen before you intervene since Nigeria is already a failed state.

Read more : Niger Delta Avengers Zero Chevron Operations

To all multinationals operating in the Niger delta the harms you have done to the region with your flaring, spillage and enslaving of the people enough is enough. We want you  to have a rethink and do the right thing.

The Niger Delta Avengers are not Boko Haram, we are not ISIS, all we are asking for is a better living for the people of the Niger Delta and self-determination that is to govern ourself. We will soon rise our flag and name our interim ruling Council.
We calling all Nigerians to come out and support this cause.


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