Kanu’s action endangering Igbo living in North – Arewa youths

Arewa Youth

A Kaduna-based youth organisation, the Arewa Youth Forum (AYF), on Thursday, called on the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, (IPOB) Nnamdi Kanu,  and his supporters to stop endangering the lives of their kinsmen resident in other part of the country especially in the North.
The group believed that the IPOB was planning to plunge Nigeria into war, insisting they refused to be provoked with the latest provocative action by the group.
The AYF also said time was now for critical stakeholders to nip in the bud possible escalation of news  across social media, especially as the October 1 earlier deadline by different groups approach despite that the threats have been withdrawn by promoters.

A statement by the group’ National President, Gambo Ibrahim Gujungu titled, “South-east time for reason to prevail” noted that, the self-acclaimed IPOB leader did not have the interest of the Igbo at heart, saying his actions were endangering the lives and property of their kinsmen outside the of the south-east.
The statement read in part,  “We are working to curtail any reprisal in the north following  the rising tension in  the South-east and North in particular because of  the sad news of the destruction of human lives and property in Abia and Rivers states, by IPOB members allegedly  targeted at Hausa/Fulani and  Northerners in that part of the country.
“We wish to call on our people in the North and all over the country  to show high level of maturity, intelligence and patriotism, and avoid been provoked to behave in  the same manner like the aggressors who have ulterior motive of throwing the whole country into chaos.  Let us be different and show that we are a people that are peace loving and hospitable to those among us.
“As a group of youths devoted to the properity of Nigeria as an indivisible entity we refused to be provoked by a semi illiterate loser from London, who  found his way back to Nigeria and  conned his gullible people into accepting him as their so called freedom fighter and  hero and even  Messiah to many.

“Nnamdi Kanu and the vast majority of his senseless gullible  followers were not born when Nigeria fought the civil war to keep us all as one. Millions lost their lives. These ill informed persons  do not know the misery, death and destruction that war brings. It is therefore too easy for them to beat the drums of war.
“Let it be known that as the umbrella organization of all youths in the north,  we are working to see that there is no reprisal anywhere in the north  to the wicked and senseless activities of IPOB terrorists who are oblivious of the fact that if reprisal attacks were to happen in the North, our Igbo brothers and sisters living in the region  will sustain far worse losses than anybody else.
“However, we are not unaware of the fact that  the sanctity of the lives of Nigerians and that of Igbo in the North in particular and anywhere in the country and the security of their properties have never been Nnamdi Kanu’s concerns! The man is busy basking in the delusion that he will one day be the head of state of a nation that he is fighting to install and the wellbeing of the people is never his concern.

“It is very important to alert well meaning Nigerians that we must not allow ourselves to be used as pawns to achieve an agenda of balkanizing Nigeria.  We are committed to the oneness of the country an believe that the country is better off as one indissoluble country.
“We must therefore avoid reprisals, and remain calm and law abiding at all times not to play into the hands of the secessionist’s soldiers. We are committed to make sure all Nigerians happy and safe anywhere in the country and in the North in particular.
“Going forward we want to align with our Northern leaders and Northern Governors that the north is totally committed to the unity of the country and the oneness of Nigeria is not negotiable.  Let us be wise and ignore the merchants of war.”

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