Mazi Nnamdi Kanu 
As Nigeria government has declared systematic war against the people of Biafra considering the continuous deployment of armoured tanks and other military hardware with thousands of Nigeria jihadist army officers to Biafra land which is the most peaceful place in the world at the moment, Biafrans are to remain steadfast, undeterred, immovable and eschew any form of fear because our exit from Nigeria is just few days away.

What is happening now in Biafra land is God's program so that Biafra will come as quick as possible.

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Let no Biafran be moved by Nigeria government/army armoured tanks as they are all doing that to intimidate our people and cow us into submission. Biafra restoration struggle is now at the final stage and that is why Nigeria government is running from pillar to post seeking for solution where it does not exist anymore.

As they continue to unleash violence and excessive military presence on our people, so they are bringing the journey closer to completion because they world is on the watch. Let nobody fear because of the Nigeria and its jihadist army which you see around you today, soon you will see them no more.

Biafrans are at the command of the heavens. As for me, I know that what is happening now is in the program of Chukwu Okike Abiama whose project is Biafra restoration. What is worthy of note is that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide under the Supreme command of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has not called on Chukwu Okike Abiama in vain.

As in the days of Mordecai and Haman in the book of Esther and in the days of Moses and Pharaoh in Exodus, so is going to be between Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and Nigeria government because the heavens is about to release a spell on the enemies of Biafra
which will quash Nigeria into oblivion.

MENE MENE TERKEL URPARSIN has been weighed on Nigeria by heavens and Nigeria is found wanting, so Nigeria empire is already divided as recently stated by United Nations in to Biafra in the East, Oduduwa in the West and Arewa in the North.

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Let no Biafran panic over the surging military personnel because the Eternal One who is at command of Biafra has accepted the intersession of Biafrans all over the world which just end two days ago and ready to crush to rubbles all the arms of flesh presently prevalent in Biafra land as rolled down by Nigeria government at the blast of the last trumpet.

The counsel which I am releasing now is a revelation from the ancient throne which the eternal one is sitting upon. The dice is cast and the heavens are battle ready because the jubilee has been pronounced from the ancient throne and no mortal, no force or any other decree or edict can reverse the pronouncement from the heavens.

Nigeria government is few days away from knowing that there is Chukwu Okike of Abiama (Abraham) in Biafra land whom our fathers worshipped and we are also worshiping when we rejected jihad from the invading forces from the Sahara.

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As for Biafra restoration, it is either Nigeria government save the lives of millions of Nigerians by eschewing violence or they waste same in waging war against Biafra, but Biafra restoration is now or never against Nigeria state.

Let nobody make mistakes about it. On this note, Biafrans all over the world is putting the international community and the world at large on notice that Nigeria government has declared systematic open war against Biafrans judging by the present deployment of needless armoured tanks being rolled down to Biafra land on daily basis.

Should any revolution hit Nigeria government, let the world hold Nigeria government responsible for such because Biafra land is not at war with Nigeria government or any part thereof to warrant such intimidating military presence in Biafra land. A word is enough for the wise!

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