Biafra: The War Option - The Peace Option; Which Do Nigeria Want?

The massacre of Biafrans by the core Muslim faithfuls in Biafra who disguises themselves in different forms as herdsmen and security operatives without the government of Mohammadu Buhari bringing the culprits to book or having made any arrest so far on this subject.

Matter has really shown that the call for war is real by the feudal Northern lords under tyrant Mohammadu Buhari's watch.

Nigeria and her unrefined handlers in their timid discretion sees the legitimate call for self-determination made by the Indigenous People of Biafra as a call for war.

In this column; the writer needs not sycophancy attitude to buttress the points raised above but rather advice for media coloration on this issue at hand;

As a journalist I have interacted with people of different levels and profiles which is the modicum of the writer profiling what he sees as the ball is in the court of the ethnic nationalities and the Nigerian government to choose on the part to trail on towards resolving this impending matter arising.

The polity has been heated up severely by the Hausa-Fulani religious and political bigots more than any other tribesmen or ethnicity in Nigeria.

Credit to Arewa Youths leadership for opening up at last that the Kaduna ultimatum that ordered the Biafrans residents in the Northern part of the British created Nigeria to vacate their region or face what is to come toward them, got the backing of some top shots in their government and traditional circles;

Over the weekend some Arewa Youths in Katsina State, the home and state of the current Nigeria jihad President Mohammadu Buhari who also doubles as the patron to Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists repudiated the claims made by their traditional ruler [Emir] that Biafrans should stay back as he will protect them;

The Youths in their well elaborated speeches made it clear that Biafrans staying back at the expiration of the ultimatum is at their own peril as their safety will not be guaranteed.

War on it's own has its own adverse effect on the people who had been engaged in warring activities before;

Recall that the Nigerian Government under Jack Yakubu Gowon fought an offensive and a genocidal war against the Biafrans while the Biafrans fought on a defensive side to survive from the face of ethnic extermination;

The call for war by the Northern feudal lords if not managed could escalate to its own detrimental effect on both sides of the divide.

What is the Nigeria government running away from than to address the Biafra issue which has confronted them in a more civilized approach unlike the 1967-1970 method?

Before the outbreak of the war it all started with ethnicity tension which is synonymous to what Arewa Youths has tabled before the country as to what will grant peace in the Nigerian federation rather the government choose to treating such issue with a kid's glove out of favouritism and prejudices they have for the Hausa-Fulani ethnic group.

Following the October 1st 2017 pronouncement made by the Arewa Youths has really depicts the insularity innate mindset and behaviors of the Hausa-Fulani core Islamic faithfuls to cohabit with the Biafrans;

The world has become a global village with technology advancement in all spheres of life that one wonders why the Hausa-Fulanis tend to continue to live in denial of the fact that war is not necessarily the best option towards settling conflict. 

The Hausa-Fulani people should be made to understand that no country fights two civil war or genocidal war and remain same again;

The Biafrans call for the peace option which is through a United Nations supervised referendum process while the Hausa-Fulani feudal lords attributes such call to mean the war option, not mistaken terms the indigenous people of Biafra has resorted to forming a Biafra Security Service over what it termed to curb the menace of incessant killing of their people who are unarmed by the Nigerian armed forces disguised as herdsmen and boko haram.

The world is to be blame if Biafra and Nigeria engage themselves in another war which to Biafrans will not be all that rosy on the side of the Nigerian forces having endured enough of subjugation, hardship and unabated killings by the Nigerian government security outfits since the war ended;

So Arewa Youths should be mindful of the path they have chosen to sojourn on as their threat cannot deter a focused people whose sole objectives are to restore their lost identity back over what they considered the conspiratory antics of the world governing body [United Nations] to deny them justice in the face of her Indigenous charter.

As a writer I view it from the angle of discernment that the world has come to embrace democracy and the freedom of all that she upholds as the only phenomenon that will usher-in peace and tranquility to the aggrieved people of the world;

On this note, I am impelled to address the United Nations to take proactive steps towards addressing the Biafra/Nigeria issue now that the nip is in the bud before it will do no one any good.

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