Biafra: Ozubulu Church Mass Killing Proves That Biafrans Cannot Be Protected In Nigeria

Ozubulu massacre remains the greatest shock of my life. Not that I have not heard or seen horrible incidents, but considering the circumstances, roles of the government and security forces I died many times for thinking about Ozubulu.

The nature of the attack in Ozubulu church has heightened the already heated tension that the delay to Biafra freedom is very dangerous because Biafra cannot be protected in Nigeria. Biafra becomes the most endangered race in the world today. How is it that a state so jam-packed with men of various security uniforms cannot stand up in the face of terror?

This is not the first time; I have seen a worst situation in Asaba park, Upper Iweka in Onitsha, some three years ago, on a Sunday afternoon, when a trailer loaded with petroleum product ran into a motor park and exploded. I saw the flames from a distance when I was in a bus from Asaba to Onitsha. I had to alight at the flyover to enable me catch a view of what was happening in Asaba park.

I saw before my very eyes human beings in the park engulfed in a fire burning like hell. Some were already boarded inside buses and could not escape while a few people were lucky to survive owing to the help of rescue agents. There have been several other incidents which were only mentioned and cases closed.

The burning of Asaba Park was one of those incidents that took place and the stories behind them died because nobody asked questions.

We know the government is to be held responsible because the masses deserve accountability in all cases but the masses have not been able to hold the government responsible because the government seems not to belong to the people.

It is a government imposed on the people by the selected few. The judiciary who were supposed to be the hope for equity and justice by all are working like a group who dined with the devil in exchange for justice.

They have unanimously worked together with the task masters to turn human rights upside down to make a mockery of human rights and human values. Today we have them unanimously writing to UN, ECOWAS and all the authorities against issues they ought to have stood for.

We now have shameless, lying and satanic minded individuals in the judiciary working against the Indigenous People of Biafra. I am shocked that investigations were not conducted in Ozubulu and Police released a report after an hour or thereabout.

The incident in Ozubulu remains a shock not just because we know that the Nigerian security forces have not and will never defend the masses but how would they tell such grievous lies against both the dead and the living in St. Philips Catholic Church, Ozubulu.

In as much as we know them; how they have been exhibiting tyranny and molesting our people in their road blocks, we know they have been so equipped with our resources and so much investment have been made to keep security men in every nooks and crannies of Anambra.

We see them always patrolling the streets driving open vans fully armed with their AK47, some on power bikes, some posted at various road blocks and so many of them are on muftis spying and sniffing through the streets of Biafra land.

I am shocked because, we appear in their hands like sheep to the slaughter and they are always very fast to thwart the truth as soon as Biafrans are murdered.

The attack of 6th August at St Philips Catholic church Ozubulu where more than 20 innocent people who came to worship in an early morning mass were shut dead and so many others seriously injured and taken to the hospital has exposed to the world not just that Biafra is in grave danger also that Biafra must be granted freedom to enable us protect ourselves and defend our fatherland. Yes, an attack was carried out and Police arrived shortly after the incident, a statement was released by the Police and the governor echoed it that same morning and the incident was quickly attributed to a group of people from Ozubulu in connection with a soured drug deal in South Africa and that was it that is where we are today in Biafra land with the security of the selected few. 

Investigations were concluded likely before the attack and report was ready as soon as the attack took place.

Those who tell these stories have no value for human life.

Human beings die like animals and stories are told, published and the rest of the people should shut up and accept their fate.

When I read the stories I saw myself as helpless as those innocent people who went to worship that early morning because I too have been to an early service and luckily nothing happened but it is unfortunate that those who died could be one of our brothers and sisters and friends and neighbors. It could have been me, it could have been anybody.

Could the US ever had overlooked the September 11th Attack? Could the British government not rise up to say enough is enough when her territories were being attacked? The attack would have continued.

If Nigeria was a country, could it not show a serious concern when a sacred place like church is being attacked? I do not agree that Nigeria is an independent country.

Nigeria remains in slavery under the influence of wealthy individuals who have submitted themselves to be colonized by some group of cabals.

It can be seen that the reason the culprits were not apprehended was because there were no such hierarchy of individuals in the church that fateful day.

So, when ordinary people here are attacked, they are not taken seriously like something happened to human beings.

Terrible things happen here and we need to take it upon ourselves to ensure our survival now that the games are changing. Had the incident not taken place in the church, it would have been swept under the carpet and sat upon so that the world does not know and when Biafrans raise their voice, they would dismiss it as rumor.

I bet any devil that if the security agents here set themselves to work; they are one of the best in the world but working in a state of tyrants changes their functions and justice cannot be guaranteed.

The Police can investigate crimes and prosecute offenders but why is it that justice cannot be found here?

The security men here do not serve the masses, they are working for their masters; the politicians, and when any incident is not working out the interest of politicians, the cases are considered closed. My quest is who defends the poor? Biafra must be granted freedom. God bless Biafra.

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