16th August 2017 IPOB Press Statement

It has come to the attention of the Directorate of State of the Indigenous People of Biafra under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that a nonexistent amorphous group of charlatans that calls itself Anambra state Lawyers in defense of Democracy (ASLADD) has decided to dance naked in the market place and thereby exposed their ignorance and lack of understanding of the English language and their complete deficiency in comprehending universally accepted tenets of democratic principles even though they claim to be defenders of democracy.

This imaginary collection of beggars and booth lickers that call themselves lawyers of course Biafrans know better that ASLADD is a distant cousin to TRIPOB and BUHARIPOB set up and bank rolled by both the Anambra state government and the Nigeria government in their attempt to discredit the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the Biafra Restoration movement.

We are aware that huge public funds that should be channeled towards ameliorating the suffering of the Biafra people are being expended wastefully through the creation of nonexistent faceless groups like ASLADD as well as used as patronage for conscienceless individuals whose preoccupation is how to maximize the oppressive and dehumanizing condition of the Biafran people for their selfish interest. In every democratic and civilized society, opposition parties, groups or individuals are part of the democratic process.

We understand the quagmire in which this invented ASLADD has found itself considering the fact that the clime in which they were set up by the government to operate is indeed neither factually democratic nor civilized.

This explains their confusion and befuddlement that the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu could exhibit so much courage to reject the status quo and take a stand against the continued humiliation and oppression of the Biafran people by those put in power by Hausa/Fulani Oligarchy.

How much more unintelligent can the so called ASLADD be with their postulation to the effect that IPOB is neither a registered party nor registered by the corporate affairs commission and in effect should not according to them demand for the boycott of the November 18th Anambra elections.

Who told ASLADD that Indigenous Peoples are corporate organizations that should be registered by a government agency saddled with the responsibility of registering commercial enterprises?

This is a gross exhibition of ignorance at the extreme. This illusory group of nit wits fails to understand that the recognition of the civic duty of the citizen in respect to voting by that same constitution they pretend to derive their whapped authority from protects the citizen’s right to choice.

In stipulating this right the constitution does not place any higher burden or responsibility on the citizen to exercise this right in favour of one or the other but is given the freedom to make a reasonable decision after a holistic analysis of his past and present condition.

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) having taken stock of their past and present condition in the contraption called Nigeria and well in line with their right to Self-determination have chosen to exercise their right to choice freely and without compulsion in favour of a boycott of all political process in Nigeria as it relates to election starting with the November 18th Anambra election.

We do not owe ASLADD or anyone for that matter an apology for exercising our freedom of choice. Again ASLADD fail to comprehend the meaning of civil disobedience.

I will suggest they do some more research on civil disobedience. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has the right to utilize civil disobedience to drive home its demand for a referendum for the Biafran people to again exercise their right to choice.

We the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu make no apology to the fact that we are opposed to any further bastardization of our land by agents of Hausa/Fulani Oligarchy who are selected to ensure that we remain submissive while our common wealth are criminally stolen and carted away from our land for the benefit of the children of our oppressors while our children roam the streets hopeless. We are opposed to the continued humiliation and rape of our women and murder of our youths.

We are opposed to the constant desecration of the sacred land of Biafra through the daily spilling of the blood of innocent Biafran men, women and children by the Fulani Janjaweed Herdsmen. We understand but do not excuse the fact that the long period of subjugation during which people were suffering and smiling may have numbed many to a state of hopelessness and inaction.

Nevertheless there is no disputing the evident and desperate hunger noticeable in the eyes of the Biafran people for true and courageous leadership.

To faceless groups like ASLADD and eternal servants such as Joe Igbokwe, the Indigenous people of Biafra are very pleased to state without equivocation that we have found this true, courageous but selfless leadership in the person of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Having found a true and trusted leader whose preoccupation revolves around the wellbeing of his people, we make bold to state that the combined forces of evil, internal and external enemies that feed fat on the continued abject subjugation of the Biafran people will not and cannot distract us from our set objective which is the RESTORATION OF THE SOVEREIGN STATE OF BIAFRA.

The pathetic life of people like Joe Igbokwe cannot and will not be used as the yardstick to conclude that the Biafran people have chosen to remain under subjugation in perpetuity.

Going through his regurgitation on the compromised and fake news outlet called the Punch newspaper, one can only feel sorry for him as he bemoans his unfulfilled life as discerned in the naked envy palpable in his diatribe against Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Joe Igbokwe’s life has passed him by and he becomes angry that a young man named Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has attained a status he Igbokwe could only dream of but will never attain not even in a thousand reincarnations.

The Directorate of state of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu do here restate and reaffirm the resolve of the Biafra people to boycott any and every Nigerian election in Biafraland starting with the November 18th Anambra election.

We concluded by saying that we have embarked upon this journey prepared knowing full well that our enemies will throw every arsenal at their disposal at us.

We are confident that the Indigenous People of Biafra will emerge from the crucible unscathed and victorious because we have a true and committed leader but above all because our strength and resolve comes from the MOST HIGH CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA in whom we trust and HE shall give us victory to the glory of HIS name.

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