IPOB Accuses Obiano Of Attempt To Bribe Its Leadership

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has accused Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State of speaking ill of it even after his attempt to bribe its leadership to cover up the Onitsha killings last September failed.  The on-going feud between Obiano and the group arose from an interview it said the governor granted to a national newspaper (not Independent) in which he referred to IPOB as “a toothless bulldog which is capable of words but incapable of action being used by a few to enrich themselves under the guise of fighting for Igbo freedom” and among other things.

 It said Obiano should have not have said that knowing the leadership was not hungry people looking for who to enrich them. In a statement signed by the spokesmen of IPOB, Dr. Clifford Iroanya and Mr. Emma Nmezu, a lawyer, the group in reaction to the allegation said:

 “We can categorically, and with proof, inform the world that Obiano approached IPOB with hundreds of millions of Naira as a bribe after committing mass-murder of Biafrans at Onitsha, Awka, and Nkpor but we rebuffed him and told him to perish with his blood money because we are not like some fake organizations purporting to restore Biafra but are actually business concerns, profiting on the blood of innocent Biafrans who they have deceived and led to their untimely deaths. “Obiano further offered to pay for medical bills of the injured courtesy of his murderous killer-squads and again we refused.

 “We, therefore, ask Obiano, how come we are in the business of enriching ourselves but at the same time refusing to collect your blood money to further enrich ourselves?

 “It is common knowledge that IPOB funds itself through monthly dues contributed by members and though the money comes in paltry amounts we beat our chest to proclaim that we don’t touch blood money from evil men like alcoholic-Obiano.” It also accused Obiano of organising pro-Buhari march in Awka on Friday last week in order to win a second tenure election but vowed to work against him.

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